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    1. dreams.

      by , 05-08-2024 at 02:05 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Forgot a dream fragment from last entry: some Demon was accusing Jamie of being a lesbian or something...

      Not much to say on this but, If me and Jamie share a strange dream ( And in head voice) connection, and Jesus who seems to push us towards one another in these connections. There's also "Evil," forces that conspire to keep us apart. So, Be on your guard! Me - Out of nowhere I've had old temptations come back to haunt me and they are difficult to keep at bay. (I find prayers works and distracting myself. And if Jamie really know the voice in my head - if you know you know). I also think back to when me and Jamie first met, and how we both had counterfeit people in our lives to distract us from one another. So yeah - pray on this. Also, it's been months since I had a dream where Jamie was telling me she had planned to saying something to me, and that I would have to be patient. If it's still too difficult to reach out, since we both live in the same area, maybe pray that God makes us cross paths more often, like we both know he can do. Maybe eventually one of us can break the ice if the feeling is right. I have been praying on this.

      anyway more dreams:

      I can't recall every single dream. I had many fragments and HH but hardly any longer dreams to recall.

      previous nights:


      A dream of Jesus showing Jamie one of my dreams through a mirror or something. There was a bunch of smoke inside on the other side of the mirror.


      Another sex dream. Her on top... really enjoying herself this time. I get to see a lot.


      I'm with some friends and we find Jamie trapped in a cage again. And I forget what happens, maybe healing energy again.

      Last night:


      Brief dream where I am explaining something to Jamie. I'm being dumb and ranting a lot like I do in dreams. After I'm done, Jamie says ,"Okaaay, Robeeert."

      A bunch of vague Jamie flashes.


      I'm standing with a group of people by a pool of water. There's healing energy going around for everybody.

      Vague dream

      Can't remember exactly. flying around a city with my old friend Richard from chilliwack.

      Also I've noticed Jamie testing our telepathy - if the voices in our heads are, "real". Like the dream I had with the chipoltle sauce, trying to make me say, "No chick-fil-a sauce?" because that very thing was stuck in my head the previous days. And the chicken barn dream - no comment.
      Tags: jamie, jesus, richard
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Dream Journal Day 48: Night of Sunday 05.05.2024

      by , 05-06-2024 at 10:10 PM
      Lucid! at last...

      I'm wandering around the school, I phase through some doors and walls and do some reality checks. Seems like it's lunch break.

      I am trying to follow someone, maybe he is a teacher? He has short brown hair and a stubbly beard. He's gone outside and I, in an empty classroom, decide to follow. I jump up onto the sill of the round window and hesitate, then remind myself I'm dreaming. I do a reality check (which fails) and then purposefully leap through the window glass and float down to the street.

      There's a building in front of me, an abandoned-looking office building made of beige stone/concrete with dark brown windows. I wonder how to get in - I know I want to explore the right side of the building which I am standing in front of now. I try to fly up, but it takes me a minute to get the hang of flying. I take a jump and at first flutter my fingers by my sides, imagining where I want to go. It doesn't really work so I flap my arms instead, slowly, powerfully wheeling them down on the wind like a bird's wings. I propel myself upwards - too far upwards. I don't want to be above the roof of the building so I stop moving my arms. Then I fall rapidly. I start to flap once more but I can't control my direction - I am careening towards the ground and the wall. I collapse to the ground and quickly get up.

      I look for another entry point to the building. There are no doors but a big window above me - from the right distance, I could take a big leap and get right through the window onto the first floor. But now, somehow, I'm worried about people in the school seeing me do that. I walk around a ways and stop in a sheltered area (maybe for parking cars?) under the building, there is a stretch of rough stone wall to the side. I could just walk through it. But, I think, this a bit far from where I want to enter, and once I'm inside I might not be able to find the right room. I pace around the building pondering my dilemma when I turn to see the man I was after returning up the road towards the school. I know it's time for class to start again so I follow him up the exterior stairs (these are new) into the school building. Alas, next time.

      Fragment: some kind of superman action, leaping between office buildings in the city and stopping on a windowsill to talk to people inside.

      Maybe this was just semi-lucid? I was lucid enough to know I was dreaming, I knew I could do some superhuman things and did a few RCs, but was also dragged into the plot of the dream. I never asked myself why I had to explore that building. I wish I had gone in though! Also, 4th LD, yay!

      What do you think? I know lots of you have many more lucid experiences than me. What's your usual level of awareness and self-control?

      Updated 05-06-2024 at 10:17 PM by 100434

      lucid , dream fragment
    3. May 5th, 2024 4:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 05-05-2024 at 04:05 PM
      Wasn't necessarily doing any LD technique, but I was aware that I was dreaming and I'm sad I don't know how I made it work, didn't eat, drink or do anything special.

      I first dreamed about my sibling and I staying at my dad's shop in the middle of a Tatooine-esque desert area. While they were asleep, I got this clothing brand our family apparently gots according to this dream and changed the design from some old 90s cartoon squirrel to a different design. I then traveled somewhere and saw a group of people dressed like squirrels wear the new design. I then go back to the shop where my sibling just woke up, about to give a press conference confused as he noticed a bunch of squirrel costumes wearing the new design that he has no clue what they're doing. I then take his place and tell the crowd to check their clothing's tags, which leaves them surprised. The crowd felt so real I actually felt a little bit of anxiety when I stood behind the podium facing them..

      I then see a girl carrying a passed out girl on a slide,
      I hold hold them as the three of us go down the slide, burning our asses off! As I try and hold both girls in my hand, I slowly wake up in my bed again.

      As I'm lying in my bed, two people put this glass casing around me, telling me to "go back", I touch with the casing and I can actually feel the glass.
      After consenting them to return, the glass case lits up and I fly through space, returning to the area from my previous dream!

      The passed out girl has now disappeared and I join this space crew to search for her through worlds. We first turn into fish and explore different aquatic worlds, with the female crew members having explicit sex with the fish in exchange for information for some reason (idk bruh maybe it's the abstinence) after some info, we finally retrieve the girl on one of the fish planets and as the crew returns to their ship, inviting me, I bring the girl to my own space ship. As we teleport back to the ship and return to our human forms doing so, I arrive in my Starbound-like spaceship where I see myself in the art style similar to Starbound as I speak to the space ship's computer in textbox format and use my hand to put all the items in storage, receiving a generous donation of fruit and cakes from one of the female crew members I recruited. I teleport to my home planet, the Tatooine-esque desert town where I recruit my friend who's working at a deadend job as a hotdog seller or something, but briefly teleport him back as his greedy boss hadn't paid him out yet. As my friend doesn't want to face him, I use the force choke from Star Wars to get every penny out of the boss as bystanders watch without interfering.

      I then get woken up by my dog who's loudly crying in the living room :')

      Kinda wanna play Starbound now, though.
    4. Dreams

      by , 05-04-2024 at 11:44 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Crazy bathroom

      Dreamed I was walking around outside a place with some giant archway door. Went inside and inside was a very large and fancy bathroom. Ceilings were super high. There was a fountain in the middle with a 30 ft statue of an angel in the middle of that. There were toilets but no stalls. I sat on one and after a while some guy walked in through the door and started staring at me. I told him to leave me alone and go about your business.

      When done, there was no place to wash your hands so I started looking in the other rooms. There was a picnic table place with some women at the table. There was hand sanitizer stations behind them. I asked if I could go and use some but the women angrily shoo'd me away. I found another section like that but with men and they had no problem with me using the sanitizer.


      I was in the bathroom with Jamie holding her hand. I won't say what else was going on

      Next two nights had trouble getting a full sleep.

      One fragment was with Jamie. We were walking through a city holding hands...


      I was in a house with some people. I knew Jamie was there and then I saw her come into the living room and sit near me. I was depressed or something. I said something to her but I wasn't very confident. She knows and of huffed at me and left. Spent the rest of the dream wandering the house sad.
      Tags: bathroom, jamie
    5. Unknown Weapon

      by , 05-04-2024 at 01:07 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Me and a group of 5 people were trying to escape some sort of underground bunker. It was dark and there were two ladders that led upward, one closer and one much further away.
      The one closer to us had a camera next to it and a trap door under it. One of the people in the group approached the ladder and went up a few steps. "What is the weapon that causes disassociation?" the camera spoke. "A flame thrower?" the person on that ladder answered. A red light turned on and the trap door opened up, sucking him down. "Wrong!" The next person gave a similar wrong answer and got sucked down as well, leaving only 3 of us left.
      One of the members decided to make a run for the ladder on the far end, I followed. We climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch revealing daylight. Unfortunately, we were still trapped. It led to a room with iron bars at every wall. The person giving the test was visible. "What's the answer!?" the guy I followed asked. "There is no answer, it's what you make of it." he said with a smile on his face. We climbed back down and made our way back to the other guy that was still in line for the ladder, I started thinking to myself about how isolation could be the answer. "Isolation causes disassociation." The guy in front of me heard what I said and climbed the ladder. "What is the weapon that causes disassociation?" the test giver asked again. "Isolation!" the guy said, stealing my answer. A green light lit up and the hatch above opened allowing him out. "I shouldn't have said that out loud, I have to think of a new one now." I began thinking "maybe apathy and fear?" I climbed the ladder, and he asked the question again. "Apathy and..." I was answering as he interrupted me. "Hold your phone up to the camera."
      I pulled my phone out and it had a circular spinning loading screen with other intricate details that somehow identified me. I hold the screen to the camera but it's having a hard time registering because the ladder I'm on is swinging back and forth in an unpredictable manner. I countered the swinging motion with my arm, sort of like a chicken's head when you pick it up and move it around. A sound played that told me it was successful. He then gave me a complicated set of instructions that I couldn't understand. All I knew is that he wanted me to open up a certain app and find something he made to hold up to the camera. I opened the app he made. I see a snake with a metal shiny black and red patterned skin, the texture and colors of the snake was moving from tail to head. "Cool." I thought as I continued trying to find what he wanted. I started clicking around and an isometric game opened up. I kept clicking around and before I knew it there were around 10 layers of different screens opened up on the app. I was having difficulty navigating the app. I remember seeing another image of something with a metallic texture moving across the centered object.

      Note: Strange long dream, there's details of how we got trapped that I can't seem to remember. The day before this I was thinking about how feeling emotions is sort of like disassociating from them, and when you feed into them, it only strengthens them.
    6. Dream Journal Day 45: Night of Tuesday 23.04.2024

      by , 05-02-2024 at 10:33 PM
      I'm climbing a staircase - I quickly realise that I'm in my primary school. The steps are smooth, angular concrete, and so are the walls - I remember that in reality, they were brick walls painted white. There is no artwork on the walls as I climb; the stairwell is cold and empty and my footsteps echo off the walls. It rises up a great shaft through the square school building.

      I step onto a landing and turn to a set of grey double doors with small windows, to the nursery. They have no frame and are flush with the wall. I push open the doors and enter the nursery. Straight inside the door is a narrow hallway, the staff bend over tables on both sides of the wall. The space feels narrow, crowded and chaotic.
      I make my way through them and the hall opens into a much wider, clearer room, lit up brilliantly from all over. Half-height bookshelves double as partitions between different areas of the room, coloured beanbags are scattered about and children mill throughout the room. I'm not sure if I'm one of the children or not.

      At the back of the room is a wall of narrow cubbyholes. I search for mine; I know whereabouts it is, but someone has let their coat hang out of their cubby so that it covers mine. I fumble around for a bit before finding my cubbyhole, only to discover someone else's stuff inside. I pull it out: it's a black drawstring bag, almost empty so that the fabric sags when I pick it up. I'm wondering what to do with this when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

      I turn around. The girl standing behind me is someone who went to my school, but left before Sixth Form. We used to chat from time to time. "Sorry," she says, "that's mine - I'll take it. I just left it there for a moment." I hand her the bag and notice that her hair is darker and shorter than I remember it. "Did you get a haircut?" I ask. When she fully turns to face me I'm stunned to see that there's nothing left of her hair but sparse, thin and wispy curled strands; I can see clearly her near-bald scalp. I know she sees the shock in my eyes as she looks away with a regretful smile. She tells me that she was diagnosed with lymphoma ("lymphomatic") recently and is being treated. I don't know what to say. A crowd throngs around us of girls trying to collect their belongings.

      I leave the nursery. As the doors fall closed behind me, something compels me to open them and look inside once more. Every teacher in the hallway snaps their head towards me, terror in their eyes. Each wears a plain dress, a crisp white apron and a cloth bonnet, and they bend over to tend to babies wriggling and squirming on the tables. Left speechless by their reaction, I slowly close the doors again and leave.

      Then I am on the train, going home. It's cramped and I am squished against the wall of the carriage, arms clutched to my chest. The light down here is cold and dim, occasionally flickering. The train rattles as it rushes through the tunnel. I feel tired of the monotony, my eyelids flutter.

      Soon I am walking down the high street away from my station. I compulsively check my belongings; touch my backpack strap, check. Feel my coat over my arm, check. Then I feel around under the coat and on my shoulder, but I can't find the tote bag that I always carry.
      At the realisation adrenaline bolts through my body and I almost feel sick. Where is it? At school? Then I have to go back. My wallet, phone and keys are in there, not to mention library books. What a pain... I'm already dreading the thought of getting back on that train.

      As I'm figuring out what to do I clench my left hand and feel the resistance of something hard. It's my phone. That should be in my other bag, and it's here - but the bag isn't. All these different trains of thought and lines of reason swirl into a whirlwind of confusion. I stand stock-still in the middle of the pavement, mind racing as I begin to feel worse and worse.

      Ugh I am not having a great time on the site recently... Every time I visit I get to spend much more than a few seconds 'verifying you are human' which then repeats itself after a few minutes and in the process logs me out and deletes the DJ I am editing. Drives me mad!

      Long dream this time!
    7. Exploration (LD)

      by , 05-02-2024 at 12:11 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      WILD sp

      I'm in bed and I notice something off. I open my eyes and see the distorted version of my room again; I can't move. I decide I don't want to explore directly out of SP because it tends to be very unstable. I close my eyes and begin playing a made-up song on the air guitar, paying the intense sensations no mind at all.

      DILD nose pinch

      I wake up in my parents' house and I'm now walking around. I attempt the nose pinch RC and I can still breathe through it. "Weird." I think as I continue walking around looking at the house. I do around two more nose pinch RCs and still don't realize I'm dreaming. I'm trying to reason with myself why it's not working. "I'm just not pinching hard enough." The 4th nose pinch I try to make sure that my fingers are actually closing my nose all the way and I'm pinching extra hard. I can still breathe.
      "This is a dream?" I think to myself. The house I'm walking around in looks identical to the one I grew up in. Everything starts to fade.
      I begin spinning. I notice the hallway leading to the bedrooms, then the living room, back to the kitchen. "Wow, I never thought it could be this real." I span a couple more times in awe about how everything was exactly where it should be.
      I get a bit excited and go down the hallway leading to the bedrooms. I throw open a door to see my brother J3. I turn the light on and that wakes him up, he looks kind of annoyed. "Don't worry J3, this is a dream!" He smiles and starts walking to me "Oh yeah?" He gives me a huge bear hug, picking me up. once he sets me back down, he tells me to follow him. He's walking down the hallway back to the kitchen when the dream fades completely to a brown/tan static, I think to myself I want to spin to stabilize but there's nothing to see, I must be waking up.


      I'm in bed again and my limbs feel weird, I think I'm awake and try the nose pinch, it works but I still feel off. I lick my finger and start tapping my nose. It all feels more or less how I would expect it to feel minus the strange vibrations. So, I close my eyes.

      Cat outside

      I wake up in my apartment to see my cat outside the window. *I've had the windows open because the AC isn't working* I run over and try to help her when I realize it's a random cat outside and it's trying to get inside the apartment. I'm not really sure what to do and I'm just watching the cat. Eventually the window screen comes loose, and the cat jumps inside, landing on the windowsill. My cat runs up to look at it and I get a bit worried and shoo the cat back outside. I close the window fully. The cat sees that and now has a human like scowl on its face, I find that hilarious and try to call for my brother J1 to come and look.

      I wake up.

      Note: Finally completed my goal of exploring a "real place" I really didn't want to believe I was dreaming because of how real it was, not just the house but my body as well.
    8. Another short lucid

      by , 05-02-2024 at 01:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First night.


      I was walking at night in a sketchy area of a large city. I just remember walking past a bunch of people with hoodies on. I entered a gas station to get a coffee. I walked past a guy but couldn't find the coffee machine. So I grabbed some random things... Unleavened bread? Wtf. Someone must have fell asleep listening to a reading of Exodus, and it wasn't me. And I grabbed slushie and some bananas and put it all in a blender. The other customer in the store was looking at me funny. I couldn't turn the blender on.

      I went to the counter and Jamie was working the counter. She said something to me about this gorgeous guy she knew who used to have a PS2. Um okay. Was she pulling a jealousy move on me? Or was she talking about me. I'm not gorgeous, but I did own a PS2... Dream fades.

      Next night had no recall. Woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

      Last night:

      I was in a large castle like building with large windows. I kept looking out the windows and seeing many impossible things. Thing like: lots of tornadoes but not hurting anyone, many people walking down a path with colorful cone hats, and various horses.

      This made me lucid. I jumped up and floated to confirm lucidity. I landed by a doorway. I wanted to find Jamie again. Everything seemed really stable and solid so I decided to try Hukif's time dilation method again. As soon as I put my hand down on the ground, everything just faded to black... Damn. Maybe I should try something else.


      I was in a chicken barn with Jamie. She said to me, "I want you to put it in my ***, Robert." (I will not publicly post what is going in where.) Then she pulls out a chicken from behind her back and is pointing it's ass end at me like a gun. She then says, "Are you chicken?" When she says, "chicken." She squeezes the chicken and and egg flies at me. She then chases me around the barn repeating the question and shooting eggs at me.


      Just a flash of Jamie at a stove with a frying pan on one burner and boiling water on the other. We are just playfully talking while she cooks something.


      Audio only dream. I hear a demon accusing Jamie of something. But forget what...
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. Dream Journal Day 44: Night of Monday 22.04.2024

      by , 04-30-2024 at 10:06 PM
      I'm at home, curled in my desk chair, planning a trip to Monaco for myself on my laptop. The light is low and warm, it must be evening - and the trip is tomorrow. I look over my plans. I've already booked the Eurostar (£54.30 - I know it shouldn't cost that much!) and I'm familiar with the Côte d'Azur TER trains that pass through Monaco Monte-Carlo. Though I notice now that I didn't plan any way to get from Paris to Provence.

      While reading through my plans, I'm a bit doubtful as to how well it will go - it's meant to be a day trip but it doesn't look like I'll make it in a day. With security and waiting the Eurostar takes about 3 hours, the train from Paris takes longer and the last one into Monaco is at least half an hour. I'm worried and I feel a headache coming on - I wonder if I should cancel the trip. Maybe I can get my money back?

      Then it's the next day, my suitcase is packed and I'm leaving, still filled with worry. My mum wishes me luck. I don't remember what happens after I step out the door.

      But then I am in Monaco, standing in a shop, the walls, floor and ceiling are completely wooden. I look over some goods displayed on wooden counters. Seemingly I've been here before: I remember a sale that was on last time I was here. This time the sale is some aromatic bars of soap. I pick over up and turn it over in my hand, smelling its lemony scent.

      Sorry for slacking with the Dream Journal. I think this is the first time I've properly smelled something in a dream! Yay!
    10. fist bump (LD)

      by , 04-30-2024 at 12:23 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)

      I'm sitting down in my parents bed, just relaxing looking at a ceiling fan. I have an extreme sense of calm and control. "What if I'm dreaming?"
      I begin floating up to the ceiling confirming that I am. I land back down to the ground and begin walking to the door. I reach to grab the door nob but missed and couldn't open. "what if I can't open the door?" I dismiss the thought and succeed with two hands. I notice that my arms and hands look brighter than they should be considering how dark the room and living room are.
      I see my brother J2 and Dad watching TV. "If I act positive I will get positivity." I think to myself shaking off a sliver of fear. I begin walking towards J2. "What's up bro!?" I kind of sounded like pewdiepie. "Huh?" he seems confused. "Fist bump!" I say as I hold my fist out. He meets it with his own fist as
      I wake up.
    11. Normal?

      by , 04-28-2024 at 11:29 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Finally a short but useless lucid.

      First night: just two flashes of Jamie's face. She was blond in both, not sure why. In the second she has 2 braids.


      I was flying around the top of a house with some man. He opened the top of the roof. I stopped and saw my hand in front of me. Became lucid because of it for some reason. In the back of my mind I wanted to look for Jamie. But first I wanted the dream to last long. I decided to try the Walms/hukif method for time dilation, ( which is impossible to execute). I got down on one knee and put my left hand one the ground. Closed one eye and began to count the spaces between my fingers left to right. I got to maybe 6 when my hand began distorting. Seeing more fingers and spaces to count. Began to feel that force wanting to push me from the dream. So I panicked and jumped high, but the dream ended while in the air.

      Next night:

      Jamie 1

      I'm in a living room sitting on the corner of a sectional couch. Jamie is to my left and an older overweight woman is to my right. The lights are dim and we are watching tv. Jamie has a remote or is eating something. She is not looking towards me. The other woman's leg brushes against mine. Not sure if that was intentional or not. Jamie notices and grabs my hand as I sit beside her.

      Jamie 2

      Another sex dream. I am on top and Jamie doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much. I guess she likes the other thing better.

      Last night:


      I'm at a fast food restaurant and some older lady is taking my order. She starts doing the funny faces from the unmentionable Tiktok video by Gina. I just start rolling my eyes...

      False break up

      I'm wandering through Didsbury downtown and keep finding extra alleyways. Me and some people break into places but I lose them. I suddenly come across Jamie, who starts adamantly saying we should break up. I just argue about it for a while. But she keeps insisting. I'm about to give up when hands reach through the Jamie I am talking to. Another Jamie's face comes out of the one in front of me. The real Jamie starts kissing me and says we are not breaking up. I forget what happens after.

      And yes I know how people like her might do a break up test. Please don't. That's abusive.
    12. Crazy

      by , 04-26-2024 at 02:42 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Is this website dying? seems no one DJ's here after the spring competition...

      On the last entry: The "drive by". I heard the Jamie voice in my head apologize for that or something. No! It's okay. I go stir crazy sometimes trying to figure how "real," what I am experiencing is. To show up on the day I post about something distressing... Nah, you threw me a line girl! Thanks.

      BTW if Jamie reads these. Because of my situation at home, my cousin just offered me a room in Lethbridge, I can get my old job back, I'm on 3 delivery apps, and i have the basic skills to start a side business. You KNOW how mentally unhealthy my family is. It's triggering for me here. I understand I was put here for now, to be closer to your area, for a reason. I'll hold out for as long as I can. But, if it gets really bad here. I gotta run. I'll let ya know. I'd hate to because it seems like a phenomenal amount of progress has been made between us.

      Anyway dreams:

      Jamie is crazy

      FA, get out of bed and I see it's hailing out and there's a big storm (It's also night time.) I don't think to RC. I hear my brother say he hopes Jen makes it home okay. I hear a crash and I hear Jamie's voice from the kitchen say, "Rob, come look!" I run into the kitchen and see Jamie (As Jen) standing behind my dad. There's an acoustic guitar smashes over him. Parts of the wood are stabbed inside his body and the strings are cutting him. He's awake but makes no sound. I keep asking, "Um Should I call an ambulance?" Jamie keeps saying while grinning, "No, I think he'll make it."

      Remind me to NEVER really piss Jamie off... my god.


      I'm working in some large building with storeys. I'm new, but everyone is wearing Wal-Mart vests. I see Jamie as a different girl. and the nametag says, "Julie," I have false memories, of working in another town with a girl that looked like her name ,"Julia.". Jamie's eyes widen in fear and she runs past me. Her friend (The one I met at the metal party at the airstrip in didsbury.) says something like, "Oh I think she likes you. Just let her make all the moves on you, she will." and I'm like, "Okay, i'm pretty shy with that stuff anyway so it's nice when someone else takes initiative." But in the middle of the sentence the girl I'm taking to is replaced by a chubby woman with grey hair. She yells at me, "Stop talking and get to work."


      FA, Jamie and her friend walk into my bedroom. I see Jamie as Katelynn now (Great now my perception of her is off again). I'm like, "I haven't seen you in so long we should have a hug." (knowing it's really Jamie.) Jamie goes to hug me in bed but turns around and I hug her from behind. Her behind is literally on my you know what again. But her friend drags her off the bed an out of the room. (note: In addition to the voice, While going to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night or early morning. There is a phantom sense of Jamie with me. I experience hugs, and other things. And I have read other "Twin Flames" have gone through this as well. While I think I'm going crazy, I do find it comforting.)

      Last night.

      Two brief flashes

      In one Jamie is prancing some other guy around in front of me. I start getting mad and Raven says something like, "She just needs healing"

      in the second Flash. I'm watching peaceful energy go over Jamie. Her vacant, glassy eyes become whole again. She looks at me and smiles. and we grab our hands together.
      Tags: dad, jamie, wal mart
    13. Jamie dryspell

      by , 04-24-2024 at 01:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, we got attacked again. I tried to get Raven to help but of course, her dream friends also got attacked, so she spent some nights trying to resolve that.

      Suspected Jamie drive by again. This time outside my place as it was getting dark. The car turned down the alley where my backyard is facing. Although it was hard to see due to some branches, it was the quick head turn that was the give away, and the hair. This on the same day of my distressing post. Maybe she was checking on me? Different vehicle again... Maybe I'm just paranoid and seeing what I wanna see. Maybe she borrows a family or friends vehicle. This reminds me of a Tik Tok post Emily King made a while ago on this sort of thing: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMqVB6sw/


      I was forced to work in a strange warehouse. There were these tiny rooms against a large wall but they were all connected. Everyone was supposed to go into the tiny rooms and do something I forget. I was put into a room and there was a tiny window next to me. I looked inside and saw two men being gay. Won't go into detail.

      Then I had false memories of Jamie being with me earlier, but people had separated us.

      This made me angry so I smashed through all the walls and knocked some people over. Some short black guy teleported to me trying to fight. He was jumping up and down really fast trying to be hard to hit. I put my hand on the top of his head to keep him there. He couldn't escape but then my memory fades.

      The rest of the night I had 2 short dreams. I was trying to find Jamie but kept running into two women with cloth gags in their mouths. They kept saying Jamie was busy but to play with them. I wasn't having it

      Next night.

      Left on read

      I was in a construction place with my dad and brother. I kept pulling out my phone and looking for messages from Jamie. There was an old message saying she needed space or something. Work was boring but when we had to leave, my dad was in a wheelchair and had an oddly shaped head.

      Last night:

      Maybe a dream about my Dog and some dogs.


      Dreamed I was leaving work with some people. We all had separate vehicles. I followed them to some cul de sac area. We waited and chatted. Can't remember about what. I drove off but there was some confusion about who should leave first.

      Drove into a downtown street like a cross between the two downtown's of Didsbury and Carstairs. There was all these people on the street blocking the way. Suddenly instead of driving, I was walking. It was night. I ran into my cousin, and said the one restaurant that I use for pickup was closed for the holiday. He mentioned a couple that were open. I asked about the one where Jamie worked (apparently she works at a bar in the dream). He said that I'm still not allowed in there, or something because of Her. Then he said it was BS because he heard Jamie say that she was okay with me, but the owner still wouldn't allow me in. Then my memory fades.
      Tags: cousin, dog, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    14. Long exploration

      by , 04-22-2024 at 07:14 PM
      I was waiting for the shower(I let my wife to go there first) It was about 11:30... so I laid down on the carpet to relax a bit. I went through the routine muscular relaxation (weight and warmth) when I started to feel pressure waves pressing onto my body and during each I felt as if the spiritual body rocked a bit off the physical body... The fleeting thought flashed through my empty mind. "Great! The OBE separation is close!" I continued with relaxation but started to concentrate on increasing the movements of spiritual body. It was slow work... but then I have felt something catching my spiritual leg and starting to yank it to side. It didn't feel polite, it felt dark, oppressive. I considered what was happening and decided to do nothing about it- it could help me to get out of body faster!

      Finally, the last yank came and it has torn me forcibly out of the body... I found myself hanging naked, with head downward, left leg up into sky position. What was holding me? It looked as if there were nearly blacks clouds close to ground(base at ~50meters?) and from them something like nearly black slowly coiling "tornado" was reaching down to my leg... slowly creeping slowly down my left leg. It had something like orange glowing veins inside, which contrasted with nearly black "body". It really felt malicious... and I decided to get myself free. I concentrated... and dissolved all the maliciousness with flash of my aura.
      That dropped me down to ground... it was freefall. The ground was... as if somebody mixed half of dirt with second half made of paper and plastics... It was as if somebody tried to cover the dumping ground. I looked around, and I saw that it was reaching from horizon to horizon... I saw vehicle tracks pressed on the ground so I started to walk alongside them to get to some place with people.
      Close by I have seen torn out hand laying on the ground. About 1.5m tall crow landed there and started to peck and eat it. It was very large crow, easily 5 times bigger than normal. And it looked on me with one eye as it feed itself... was it looking on me... hungrily? I felt (and I really was) naked under that one eyed gaze. I squashed the flash of thought- it isn't good to think in this way in astral I berated myself. I balanced my mind and reinforced the independent observer state. And I walked further and away from that enormous crow.
      A few tens of meters I saw a few dead bodies... and large number of gigantic crows was landing on them to feed themselves. I felt again a bit unsecure, but I again concentrated on the independent observer state. And I walked... closer to them as the road went that way, and then away... and then, it felt as if the walk is too slow, so I laid into air and flew about 1-1.5meters over the ground.
      After a while I went over the ridge and saw, that about 0.5km down the hill there is someone walking. So I steered toward the person. It was young woman in light sundress and with light brown, long, wavy hair down to the waist. As I flew around her I caught her into embrace and we rotated in air a few pirouettes till I pushed her up to sit on my stomach. Hmmmm... I thought- I'm flying inverted... and I can't see what is in front of us. I told that to the girl sitting on me. And she took hold of my legs, each leg with one hand and told me: "I will steer, you fly." And after a few seconds she added: "You are flying too slowly, GO FASTER!" I tried but everything dissolved into white nothingness.

      After a few minutes of floating in the white nothingness The surrounding coalesced into nightly environment. I was standing on the terrace of some unknown house and observed two men in black coats which reached down bellow their knees. They had also big black fedoras, black neckties and white shirts under the coats. They looked as if they were on a mission, looking for someone.
      From the house a young man ran out. He looked on me... then looked where I was looking and he saw those two men. Immediately, he turned, jumped down from terrace on opposite side(in relation to those two men) and ran vanishing into darkness. Those two came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene reset itself.
      I was again looking on those two men walking toward me. And again, a man ran out of house... as he looked on me, I told him: "Two men are coming, they are looking for you." He looked on those two, turned, jumped down the terrace and ran vanishing into darkness. Those two came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene reset itself.
      This repeated 2-3 times more and then, after reset, I found myself in house. It was empty inside. No people, no furniture. So I went out of the house... onto terrace. There was a man standing. He told me: "Two men are coming and they are looking for you!" I have looked in indicated direction and I saw two men in long black coats, black fedoras, black neckties, white shirts... And decided to wait for them. And the man who told me that swore something juicy turned, jumped down the terrace and vanished into darkness. The two men came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene turned into white nothingness...

      After a few minutes of floating in the nothingness I felt as if I was coming back into my body. I was back in my living room, but I had problems to move. So I started to stretch my body slowly till I could stand up. Everything looked realistic, so I thought I'm back in my body... up till I came to sofa and saw my long deceased father. "Ah" I told him "Hello. I thought I'm back from astral, but seeing you here I see I'm still in. Do you want to send some message to my mother?" And he told me: "Everything is as it is." I nodded and told him: "Yes. I know. But don't you have something you want to tell my mother?" And he repeated himself: "Everything is as it is."

      And I found myself back on the carpet, definitely in my body.

      The whole experience lasted 20 minutes, from time when I started to relax to time when I got back to my body.
      Subjectively I experienced 1-1.5 hours in astral. Longest part being that dumping ground trip.

      Updated 04-22-2024 at 09:39 PM by 66278

      Tags: obe
    15. Lost to distant city

      by , 04-22-2024 at 04:46 PM
      I have enter the astral close to subway in Trencin city. That is close to place where my friends works in her pharmacy. I went there through the passage, but As I was leaving it, instead of street where the pharmacy is, I found myself in Prague on Vaclav's Square. I was a bit off due to this, but it wouldn't be first time I got lost and found myself somewhere where I don't want to be at the moment.
      Making most of it, I went on exploring. I have chosen an Hotel and entered it. On the first floor I have found waitresses and cooks making food for some relatively large group of people. It tasted quite good I have found. They didn't like I was there...
      I wasn't deterred by that and went on second floor. The same situation was happening there, just like on first floor. So... I tried to get on third floor. But there on stairs, there was a young pair making love. The man was fully clothed in black suit. The woman was completely naked, really pale with nearly white hairs- only on head, anywhere else she had no hairs... She was really nice looking They were quite passionate about what they were doing... and I didn't feel like to intrude, so I turned away and went back to second floor. I was exploring it a few more minutes up until I lost the consciousness to dreamless sleep.

      Updated 04-22-2024 at 07:16 PM by 66278

      Tags: obe
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