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    1. #1
      lucid daydreamer
      Join Date
      Dec 2009

      Shape shifting dream character

      Man, I'm getting hooked on this forum

      Anyway, thought I would share my experience and see if anyone has had similar. I have had the same character in my dream since... I think since birth. He's not in all of them, in fact he's in many fewer now than when I was a kid. He is a shape-shifter but I know it's him... somehow. He likes to take the form of people who I trust but there is always something that gives him away. Usually it's like his words are slightly off from his lip movements (like the soundtrack of a film whose timing is off) or there's some little detail of his movements or shape that tip him off. As a kid, he often took the form of a little red haired boy. I thought it was the devil back then. He would often be in a stable full of horses and he was attempting to burn them. I wanted to save the horses so I had to fight him.

      Later, he would take the form of people like my husband or my sister. Freaky damn dreams.
      One time, in a dream I was standing at a parade and holding my husband's hand. He started squeezing harder and harder and I recognized that it was not him. I said, "You're not my husband. Who are you?" He said, "I'm the devil" I said, "I don't believe in the devil." and he faded away.

      One time he was standing on the other side of the screen door at my mom's in my husband's form. Something gave him away and I told him that he was not my husband. He demanded that I let him in and I decided (not pre-contemplated) to send love to him through my palms and he disappeared.

      One of the last dreams that I had with him, he appeared as 'himself'. It was horrible... really horrible, terrifying. In the dream, I lived in a basement apartment and he was my landlord. My husband was over and he was talking about how outrageous my rent was and he was PISSED. The "guy" (horrible looking guy thing) appeared at the window and the feeling was just horrible. My husband went up the stairs because he was going to confront the guy about my outrageous rent. I started up the stairs after him, in fear. I could hear the 'guy' killing my husband but I froze in fear and did not go up the stairs to help him. That was horrible.

      Anyone else have a 'life long' dream character?

      I also do not believe that he is a figment of my imagination. I believe he followed me from another life. I'm open to the possibility that I could be wrong about this but I really don't think I am. I used to have these dreams all the time as a kid and developed horrible insomnia because of them. I told my parents that this wasn't just a night mare but they didn't believe me. I don't know. Maybe it is.

    2. #2
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      It's a real entity.

    3. #3
      lucid daydreamer
      Join Date
      Dec 2009
      ^Yeah, I think so. There's other stuff but it just makes me sound nuts...lol.

      I think he is bonded to me from another life.

    4. #4
      Eternal Apprentice Awakening's Avatar
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      Your fear just feeds him. Try to overcome it.

    5. #5
      Overseer of oneirons Phantasos's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by owlj View Post
      ^Yeah, I think so. There's other stuff but it just makes me sound nuts...lol.

      I think he is bonded to me from another life.
      Whether it is "real entity" or creation of your unconsciousness, get lucid and either ask him what he needs, or kill him. Do not fear. Lucid dreamer is the most dangerous being in dreams.

    6. #6
      lucid daydreamer
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      Dec 2009
      I've already talked to him lucidly several times and asked who he is. I've asked what he wants but haven't got an answer. Haven't seen him in quite a while. I have learned some things from him though (not fun lessons, I admit). There's some deeper connection with this one. I thought I was going to deal with him in hypnotherapy but he didn't come forward. I guess it remains to be seen. Even if he is a 'figment of my imagination' (which I don't believe), it's important for me to know where he came from. Our subconscious constantly points to areas that need healing and where growth can occur.
      The geat blessing of mankind are within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it.
      (7 B.C. - 65 A.A.)

    7. #7
      Member YYNYM's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Phantasos View Post
      Whether it is "real entity" or creation of your unconsciousness, get lucid and either ask him what he needs, or kill him. Do not fear. Lucid dreamer is the most dangerous being in dreams.
      Summon this:
      And freaking murder the guy.
      I'm back!


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