/rant on/
Each of us lives within the universe of our senses, and that experience is a completely unique one, no other living being will ever experience our reality. I am speaking for both the waking world and the dream world. Now with that said.
How can I tell that the past isint a fiction designed to account for the discrepency between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
In my experience it was remembered just like the memories I have here, the only reason I can tell it was a dream is because the timeline is not the same as the one here, in terms of reality, and vividity, they are equals.
In studies they have shown dreamtime to be a few seconds longer than waking time, but in these cases, the people were trying to interact with the waking world, what if you could dissassociate yourself with the waking world and time completely.
Think, if you will for a moment of the most vivid thing you have ever seen within the dream, the landscape the people perhaps multiple people, if dreams are just the ramblings of our unconsious brains, a hell of a lot of rendering and calculation is goin on during that dream for it to react to you in a realtime manner and keep up with your senses, thats an awful lot of information. Our minds can apparently work pretty fast when the rest of the wakingworld senses are turned off. So perhaps the mind can experience things much faster in the dream world, all my experiences have been by chance, never planned them, its kind of taxing on ones sanity especially if its a long time, if yous tart to get used to it, and then you wake up back here, its a shock to ones mind.
The other theory of mine is probably a lil bizzare to most because it combines science with spirit, in any case, the spirit perhaps falls into another reality via quantum sized worm holes, since the spirit is etherial and has no mass what s to say it cant pass through natuaral worm holes, they exist but not like deep space nine, they are tiny and only are stable for short times, sometimes they are big enough to let a few subatomic particles pass through and the occasional sleepers spirit =D
In my experience I just take them as being real , well as in having happened for the length of time they happened. A lot of my life would just be thrown together memories like some say the time compression dreams are if their theories are right... and I cannot accept that, as its a big chunk of my life.
I think thats why alot of the people that have had it happen to them say its real, that the time did happen, because its difficult for us to accept that such a large portion of time and experience might just be a false impression, but thats when those that it has happened to ask...
Do you remember what you were doing a year ago from now? In detail?
(heeh perhaps some of you do, good for you but for one such as myself my memory is shot =)
/rant off/