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    redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy

    Stupid guy

    by , 12-30-2011 at 06:10 PM (844 Views)
    Dreamed I was at school, walking down the sidewalk between the middle school and high school. I tripped and dropped all my stuff as the group of 'popular' guys was going by. They laughed and one of them, Hunter, stepped on my notebook. I tried to pull it out from under his foot and a few pages ripped out. He started saying something stupid but I ignored him like usual and walked away.

    When I got to class, all the seats were filled but one... right next to Hunter. I sat down and looked at the book in front of me. Everyone else had some type of actual textbook, but the subjects were all different. I had a really ripped up copy of what appeared to be a manga adaption of Die Hard With a Vengeance. A note inside the front cover said to find and highlight ten stick figures in the book. I started to, but Hunter kept 'accidentally' pushing my arm so the highlighter would leave a big line across the whole page.

    "Oops, my arm slipped," he said after about the third time. I got really ticked off and took a dark blue marker. I waited until he wasn't paying attention and then whipped my hand out and left a blue streak across his face. He looked really surprised and then tried to grab the marker out of my hand. We fought over it for a minute or two, getting marker everywhere, before I just bit his hand. He let go and ran out of the room.

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    1. mehmehmeh's Avatar
      Smells like! ...Vic-terry. (Victory)
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