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    1. #1
      Starting from Fresh now.. marcher22's Avatar
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      What LD inductin method should I use tonight?

      Hey guys. I've been a user on this site for a while and have been very off and on with lucid dreaming. For the past 2.5 weeks I've been getting back to a dream journal and remembering at least one dream each night except for 2 nights. Those two nights I woke up in the middle of the night and found it hard to sleep again..

      I'm pretty sure I know the basics and all but want to try something different.

      It's Friday so no school tomorrow so I can sleep in for longer.

      Let me tell you about my sleep pattern first:
      I go to bed @ roughly 10:30 and I wake up at 6am by my alarm clock. Lately I've been waking up at around 3:30am/4am and not falling back asleep until 4:30-4:45 (sometimes 5:15!)which I hate tremendously. All this stuff is going through my mind, and I'm always turning until I eventually feel tired enough to go back to sleep. I'm pretty sure this a bad thing but I may be able to use it for other techniques, which is what I'm experimenting.

      What technique would you recommend me to use tonight? I want to be in bed any time around 11pm or early and the latest I can get out of bed is 10 in the morning, though I find it difficult to sleep properly past 9...

      What would you recommend out of ALL the ideas out there? I don' plan on doing MILD/DILD only( it would have to be accompanied w/ something . I think that's a waste of a night and should be kept for a Weekday

      I'm thinking about some sort of WBTB, like going to bed at 11, waking up at 3, staying awake until tired and then going back to sleep,.. hmm.. I'm really just longing for a nice, casual LUCID DREAM!
      "The world is your playground. There are bumps along the way but this playground comes with a fully equipped toolbox with equipment out there to solve ANY disease,problem or issue out there. ONE problem. Some tools are harder to find than others. Lucid dreaming is just one of them."
      - Marcher22

    2. #2
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      I, personally, prefer DEILDs. They are easy, reliable, just they require you to find out when you have your longest, or any, REM period. It also helps to have an alarm that only rings for a few seconds then stops itself automatically.
      Have a question? Send me a pm.

      ...We are all connected...

      Multiple Induction Technique (MIT) - Consistently have several lucids each night!

      2016 TotY: Dragon [ ] Fairy [ ] Unicorn [ ] Gnome [ ] Leprechaun [ ] Phoenix [ ] Chimera [ ]

    3. #3
      Miss Sixy <span class='glow_FFFFFF'>Maria92</span>'s Avatar
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      VILD could be fun, and works quite well with WBTB. If you naturally wake up in the middle of the night AND find it tricky to get back to sleep within a few minutes, I'd give it serious consideration. It can also be used on weekdays or when first going to sleep, though it's more of a practice session and doesn't achieve the same results. To give you a hint of what it entails, as you read this, try to recall a smell...something powerful, like coffee. Then a sound, a taste, a feeling, and a sight. Try to combine multiple senses together in the same scene without moving. So, maybe imagine throwing a beach ball in the air and catching it again. Pay attention to where you are, the sound the ball makes, what it feels like, all that. As you practice, it gets much easier in a reasonable amount of time to bring the same (and different) scenes into view with three, four, or even five senses all in use. This is basically how the VILD works...as you lie there, calm your mind as much as possible, then create a scene around you. The goal is to basically keep paying attention to your scene until you "melt" into it and realize you're dreaming.

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