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    1. #1
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Asymptote's Dreams

      Here, I shall keep my dream journal. I figure that transcribing my paper dream journal will help me to recall some of the lost fragments of my dreams. More later.

      Disclaimer: Some of the content of this dream journal may not be suitable for younger readers. You have been warned.
      Last edited by Asymptote; 06-24-2007 at 02:45 PM.
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      My Dream Journal

    2. #2
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      If there were any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 20th, 2007

      Australians in Gas Masks

      A vast, sand-colored scrub desert stretches out before me. Myself, and a group of Australian meteorologists are standing in a cluster around our battered Land Rover, watching a gathering thunderstorm. The wind is picking up, and dust is flying about. All the meteorologists are really excited, but I'm starting to get worried. The tornado we've been waiting for is soon to arrive. The wind intensifies further, and the Land Rover shudders. The tornado is almost upon us. Dust is whipping around wildly. The wind howls, and the Land Rover flips over onto its side. I huddle to the ground in fear, and another gust of wind tumbles the truck over and over, revealing a flat tire. The whirlwind passes, and I stand up. The gas-masked Australian meteorologists are laughing jovially, but I feel quite shaken.
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    3. #3
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      If there were any lucid bits, they would be in blue.

      June 21st, 2007

      Condoms and Trees

      For reasons unknown, my family and I are going to the convenience store together to buy condoms [that'll teach me to watch Seinfeld right before I go to sleep]. Inside the store, the condoms are packaged in individual little plastic cases. Somebody grabs a handful and makes a joke about it. I loiter around in the store for a while, and when I get back out, my family has driven away. It takes me a few minutes to catch back up with them.

      [something happened here, but I forgot it]

      My mother, my cousin, and I are all going for a drive together. We pass by a building I know, but it looks different. It used to be some kind of grocery store, but now it says "Food Lion -- Russia" on the side. Somehow, I know that my cousin will really want to go into the Russian Food Lion...

      [there's a bit missing here too]

      My father and I go up to this farm. My cousin is still with us, but he's lagging far behind. As we crest this hill, we see that the forest that used to be on the hills beyond has now all been logged, and the logs are laying all over the place. I run down the path in anger, then fall. I keep thinking that I'm going to break my neck. I start climbing up the hill -- where most of the trees have been cut down and stripped, and are laying on the ground, looking like sticks -- and suddenly, my father throws a tree branch at me. I look back at him, confused. He throws a much larger stick, and I start running. Then, he start tosses some sort of "rocket-propelled stick." Next, he throws a boomerang, and it hits me in the face.
      Last edited by Asymptote; 06-24-2007 at 02:24 PM.
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      My Dream Journal

    4. #4
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      As usual, if there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 22nd, 2007

      Cleaning Gray Teeth

      I was standing on a dam across a lake, looking around as the sun came up. Without provocation, I suddenly reached into my mouth and started wiggling one of my teeth. It was loose. I pulled it out and looked at it. It was mottled, splotchy, and gray, completely disgusting. I started to search through my mouth with my fingers, trying to find which teeth were loose. In the end, I'd pulled about twenty teeth out of my upper and lower jaws, and I had a little handful of them. I took them down to the lakeshore and dropped them in some boiling water for a moment. When they were good and boiled, I took the teeth, and looked at them. To my horror, I realized that I didn't know which teeth went in which sockets. In the end, I somehow got them all put back in, but they were still gray, sore, and mostly pointing in the wrong direction.

      [something happened here, but it's too scattered to write down. Something about a rather large woman and a classroom.]
      Last edited by Asymptote; 06-22-2007 at 02:25 PM.
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      My Dream Journal

    5. #5
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been blue.

      June 23rd, 2007

      Aliens Shot Denzel Washington

      It's a dreary, gray, rainy day. My relatives are gathering for some sort of party, perhaps a birthday party. People are hanging out on the porch, passing the time, eating and drinking. Then, a van arrives. From it emerges a frail-looking, pale, bookish kid in a wheelchair. I'm not certain who he is, but apparently he's someone my parents want me to hang out with. I soon find that I prefer wandering around with him to hanging out with my relatives. We walk around and talk (he's inexplicably started walking).

      Eventually, I go back and sit with my relatives. One of them starts talking about these odd aliens that build more of themselves out of "cat plants" (the "cat plants" look more like mimosa leaves to me). I look over and see a bunch of these creatures frolicking on the lawn nearby, where there happens to be a whole pile of "cat plant" branches.

      When I tire of my relatives, I go looking for the pale kid. I look out a window and see him walking through the yard, and go out to meet him. When I get outside, though, I don't see him. After searching for a while, I find him in the outbuilding, where he's rummaging through some old antique junk in boxes. We talk some more, but are interrupted by the arrival of some of my less pleasant uncles. One of them mocks the kid, and the kid runs out. I walk out after him, shooting an evil glare at the uncle.

      [a sudden shift happens somewhere around here]

      The kid is standing on the lawn, and it's raining quite severely. He and I are plotting to kill some politician or military commander, for reasons unknown. First, though, I have to take out his "guards," which consist of a solier cobbled together out of bits of other people, Frankenstein-like, a '50s-style robot that looks like it's been made out of cardboard boxes, and a strange thing that looks like an oversized locust. I take control of the Franken-soldier, and shoot the robot, and then shoot my own legs off. Somehow, I also dispose of the locust-thing, too.

      One of those aliens that is built out of "cat plant" leaves is standing on top of a telephone pole. Its back is covered with the same leaves that it's supposedly made of. It's only about the size of my fist. It has a miniature sniper rifle with it. I suddenly see from its point of view.

      The general's limo is in the driveway, and he steps out for a moment. It's Denzel Washington. I ready the little sniper rifle, but when I try to fire, I can't get the alien thing's bulbous hand to grip the trigger. Somehow, though, I figure out how to fire it, and shoot several times at the limo. For a sniper rifle no longer than a toothpick, it's remarkably powerful. The limo drives back, and stops near me. Denzel Washington gets out again. I line up the shot. I've only got one bullet left, and I have to make it count. I fire, and think I've missed, but Denzel makes a face and turns to the side, touching the side of his head. His hand comes up bloody, and he falls over, very cinematically.
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      My Dream Journal

    6. #6
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Hey, Asymptote!

      I've noticed that your entries are getting longer and more detailed. Does this mean your recall in general is getting better? Could be a good sign.

      The teeth dream is similar to one I get every now and then, and one which I've seen other people discuss on the forums. Could be an excellent dream sign for you to watch out for (aliens being an obvious one as well.)

      What about the relatives you dream about? Are they people you see often in everyday life? Or could you take their appearance for a dream sign?

      When you took over the Frankenstein robot, was this part lucid? It sounds like you had pretty good control.
      We now return you to our regularly scheduled signature, already in progress.

      My Music
      The Ear Is Always Correct - thoughts on music composition
      What Sky Saw - a lucid dreaming journal

    7. #7
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      Hey, Asymptote!

      I've noticed that your entries are getting longer and more detailed. Does this mean your recall in general is getting better? Could be a good sign.

      The teeth dream is similar to one I get every now and then, and one which I've seen other people discuss on the forums. Could be an excellent dream sign for you to watch out for (aliens being an obvious one as well.)

      What about the relatives you dream about? Are they people you see often in everyday life? Or could you take their appearance for a dream sign?

      When you took over the Frankenstein robot, was this part lucid? It sounds like you had pretty good control.
      I know for a fact that the appearence of teeth falling out in a dream is a dreamsign, since I used it to become lucid once (didn't work in the most recent dream, though). As for the relatives, some of them weren't even real relatives, they just appeared so in the dream, and all the rest were ones I rarely see. In reference to the Frankenstein robot, I took control completely without lucidity, since I play this videogame sometimes where you take control of various entities.

      And yeah, I noticed my entries getting longer, too, and it does seem that my recall is improving. I suppose that's a combination of the B6 supplements I'm taking and the fact that I'm making sure to write down as much as I can, very soon after I wake up. Before, I would wait a few minutes to write the dreams down, and occasionally fall asleep before doing so, which really messed with my recall.
      Last edited by Asymptote; 06-24-2007 at 02:26 PM.
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      My Dream Journal

    8. #8
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 24th, 2007.

      There's a Spy Among Us

      My mother and I are staying in a hotel room with this spy and his wife, for reasons unknown.

      [something's missing here]

      We're crusing down a river in a boat, trying to avoid more and more ubiquitous enemies. The progression is like that of a video game, and we have to get to the last level. Lives, apparently, hang in the balance.

      At the end of all this, we're relaxing in the hotel room, when a woman comes in. Apparently, the spy has taken a new wife. I'm happy, since the new wife gives me orange juice in a much nicer glass than the old one (Don't ask. I don't get it either.)

      My mother and I are relieved to be finished with the whole spy business. We're leaving [what I assume is] the hotel. The facade looks like the front of a supermarket. It's raining quite badly. I have two bags of chips on my lap. After a while eating from one, I start trying to open the other one, but I can't, and the squeaking sound the plastic makes is driving my mother crazy, so she opens the bag, which slowly deflates.

      [bit missing here, too]

      There's a very important race going on, but for some reason, the drivers' managers are sharing information and strategies in order that the man driving the Mountain-Dew-sponsored car can win. His car keeps driving up under other cars and flipping them over. Someone says something about undercarriages.
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      My Dream Journal

    9. #9
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 26th, 2007

      The President Made a Speech at Wal-Mart

      Somebody is walking around wearing some sort of "dream-induction belt," which looks like the cummberbund from a tuxedo, except that it's attached to some strange electronic pack that's worn on the back.

      [something missing]

      The president, or some other political person is making a speech at Wal-Mart.

      [something missing]

      [it tooks some brain-wracking before I could remember the bit below]

      A friend and I are walking around, looking at an old, rusted car. I use the tip of a cane or an umbrella to lift the hood, and find (in addition to the worn-out engine) old, crushed soda bottles and bags of chips. I walk around the car, and realize that if it wasn't in such bad shape, it would be a classic, and probably worth quite a lot of money.

      [something missing]

      [I'll probably be adding more to this as I remember it]
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    10. #10
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Asymptote View Post
      Somebody is walking around wearing some sort of "dream-induction belt," which looks like the cummberbund from a tuxedo, except that it's attached to some strange electronic pack that's worn on the back.

      [something missing]
      This sounds like a little message from the subconscious! Dream induction indeed! Any more details on this? Do you suppose the "something missing" might include more on this, possibly something closer to lucidity?

      A friend and I are walking around, looking at an old, rusted car. I use the tip of a cane or an umbrella to lift the hood, and find (in addition to the worn-out engine) old, crushed soda bottles and bags of chips.
      LOL! This is straight from a Seinfeld episode... pulled up from your memory, perhaps? -- But also, broken vehicles may turn out to be a dream sign, so watch out for that one.
      We now return you to our regularly scheduled signature, already in progress.

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    11. #11
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      This sounds like a little message from the subconscious! Dream induction indeed! Any more details on this? Do you suppose the "something missing" might include more on this, possibly something closer to lucidity?.
      I hadn't thought about it that way, but it does seem my subconscious is trying to tell me something. I'm almost certain that there was more about the belt later on, somebody wandering about a mall, thinking they look foolish perhaps, but I can't remember with any real clarity, so I didn't write it down.

      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      LOL! This is straight from a Seinfeld episode... pulled up from your memory, perhaps? -- But also, broken vehicles may turn out to be a dream sign, so watch out for that one
      Which episode was that?
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    12. #12
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Asymptote View Post
      Which episode was that?
      I don't remember the main plot, but in this episode Kramer and Newman borrow Jerry's car, and it runs poorly after that. Finally Jerry discovers they had put groceries under the hood after they ran out of room in the trunk.
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    13. #13
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Oh, yeah...I forgot about that...actually, that was the first thing I thought of when I started writing the dream down!
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    14. #14
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 27th, 2007

      Boxing and Epidemics

      George and Jerry from "Seinfeld" enter a roadside diner, talking about the Matt Damon movie "Player of the Year" (I'm not sure if that's even a real movie), which George just played a part in. They sit down and order some food.

      Jerry: Matt Damon...pfft!

      [something here about Matt Damon making them walk, or something like that. I forgot]

      A man comes up, waiter-like.

      Man: Excuse me, but there's someone here who would like a performance.

      George: Oh no...

      Jerry: Why? Why can't he [George] just sit down to a nice meal without some fan bothering him?

      Man: This is Dominico [forgot his last name]

      Dominico is a short, stocky Jamaican (or Haitian) man with a bundle of dreadlocks tied up in the back. He's wearing wide-set red-rimmed eyeglasses. His face seems unreasonably wide. When George sees him, he gets worried, and backs up into the booth.

      [transition or dead spot here]

      There's an epidemic going on. People are getting infected by this pink-yellow fungus. I'm not infected yet. My friend Charlie rolls up in the back of a car for a visit. He's not infected either. We walk somewhere, and go past a little room. Looking into the windows, we see the infected who have been quarantined. Their faces are wild. The infection has made them insane. Somebody is curious as to why I don't wear any protection when I'm around the infected. I don't give them a good answer.

      [time passes, something may have happened here]

      Some of the infected are walking around. I'm walking past them. I notice that their eyes are red, watery, and discolored. I walk down some stairs. I begin to believe that I've been infected. Even so, I put on an oxygen mask to protect myself. I'm starting to get really scared. I get to the driveway, and my friend Charlie is arriving again. I greet him, but my mind is on the infection.

      [I'm certain something happened after this, but I can't remember it.]
      Last edited by Asymptote; 11-19-2007 at 03:19 AM.
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    15. #15
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Asymptote View Post
      I begin to believe that I've been infected. Even so, I put on an oxygen mask to protect myself.
      The second appearance of a gas mask in your journal. Watch out for this sign!
      We now return you to our regularly scheduled signature, already in progress.

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    16. #16
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      I just took a health and safety course for work, and they told us that more people died from manufacturing gas masks during WW2, than the number of lives saved by those very gas masks. They didnt even use the masks during WW2 because they weren't using gas as much. The masks themselves were made with asbestos, which killed off most of the workers for nothing.

    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      The second appearance of a gas mask in your journal. Watch out for this sign!
      Hm...I hadn't thought about that!
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    18. #18
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      The lucid bits are in blue. (It's nice to finally have some lucid bits!)

      I Yelled at the Sky

      I was in a car, barreling around a winding road. Kramer (from Seinfeld) was driving, and I was quite worried. His driving was wild and unpredictable, and when I finally looked over at him, I saw that he was reading some sort of Christmas card.

      "Are you reading while you're driving?" I asked in a panic.

      "Yep," he replied casually, steering with his knees.

      Then, some sort of explosion occurred, and I felt my numb, paralyzed body. I'd performed a MILD/WBTB combination, and I remembered I was dreaming!

      I was standing on what looked like a shoreline. A beautiful purple-tinged, slightly cloudy sky stretched out above me. I was thrilled to finally be having a lucid dream, and I remembered something I'd read about changing the color of the dream sky. First, I simply tried to will it, and when that didn't work, I shouted "Yellow!" up at the clouds. The light in the sky turned yellow.

      Suddenly, I was in my room, still ecstatic. I looked at my hand and counted the fingers. There were something like eight or nine on each hand, and most of my fingers forked in the middle into two seperate digits. For the first time in my lucid-dreaming history, I was coherent enough to actually do something. I picked up a Rubik's cube (one sits by my bed most of the time) and held it in my palm. I ordered it to solve itself. Suddenly, it started twisting and turning on its own in my hand! I was ecstatic. To make sure I was still dreaming, I looked down at the clock. It read 10:30. Knowing full well that it would have changed, I turned away and looked back. It read :56. I looked out the window. There was a nighttime sky filled with lovely stars. I wanted more stars, so I willed them to become denser. For a while, they did, then all the stars disappeared, except for one little clump, which just kept getting denser. Then, they turned yellow, and formed a galaxy-like swirl.

      Suddenly, I got the impression that somebody was going to come up the stairs to put a stop to my lucid dream. I tried to telekenetically close the door, and when that didn't work, I tried to mentally fill the door with concrete. That didn't work well, either. I sought refuge in my bedroom.

      As I re-entered my bedroom, I realized that there were both a garden tiller and lawnmower sitting in the middle of my floor. While the dream lasted, I decided I would try to create an object. Something compelled me to try to create a heart-shaped box of chocolates. I focused on the ground, and I saw its image appear, but the image of the tiller got in the way. I tried to imagine it behind me, but when I turned around, it wasn't there.

      As I walked up to a closet door (which had inexplicably moved from a different room), I stepped on one of those spherical glass Christmas ornaments. It shattered, and my foot was covered with bits of silver-colored broken glass. It didn't hurt, but it annoyed me, just like when anything else gets stuck to my foot. I tried scraping it off, but then, I realized I was dreaming, and ordered my foot to become "un-sticky." Suddenly, the glass simply started falling off.

      The presence that was trying to terminate my lucid dream seemed very close now, but I wanted to do one more thing. I tried to create a pen by imagining it in my pocket. It was in there, but I suddenly decided that it was a grenade, instead. I reached into my pocket and felt a hard, metal, cylindrical object.

      At this point, I decided it would be best to wake up, so I could remember the dream properly. I woke up, and had it not been so early in the morning, I would have jumped for joy. I finally broke my dryspell!

      This was, by far, the best lucid dream I've ever had. Very vivid, with almost full control and total recall. It left behind that much talked-about "lucid euphoria," which followed me for the rest of the day.

      To any lucid dreamers just getting started: I can recommend the MILD/WBTB combination. WBTB allows you to fall asleep quickly, and go right into REM, and MILD is quite effective when done properly. I also found out that using my cell phone's alarm clock function helped. I usually have trouble actually staying awake long enough to do anything during WBTB, but since my phone alarm requires pushing several buttons to turn it off, it woke me up a bit.

      I'm currently having some problems with my Internet access, so I won't be updating this dream journal very often, but I'm expecting my Internet to be fixed by tomorrow.
      Last edited by Asymptote; 07-03-2007 at 09:34 PM.
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    19. #19
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 29, 2007

      The Power of Cheerios

      Some women in bathing suits are walking around. Somehow, I've convinced them to stuff their bras with Cheerios. For some reason, I'm choosing from a gallery the best bottle shape to hold these "special Cheerios." One of the women gets fed up with me, and discovers the real reason I told them to put Cheerios in their bras.

      Music in a Bottle

      Some friends and I are driving down the road. I have a third-person view of the car, videogame-style. We stop at a convenience store. I pick up this bottle. It has the same label as an album by ELO (the Electric Light Orchestra). I look on the back to see the ingredients. We start driving again. The ingredients list has been replaced by a list of song titles. I look away for a second, then look back. Now, the ingredients list is in its place. The only text I can see is "Sugar...........90g (1/4 pound)." I scream out something to the tune of "A quarter-pound of sugar! There's a quarter-pound of sugar in this thing!"
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      June 6, 2007

      Morphine and Construction Sites

      A man overdoses on morphine for no particular reason. Suddenly, I get a vague feeling like I'm entering Sleep Paralysis.

      I'm in a crowd of women. One of them exposes herself to me, revealing that she has no nipples.

      I'm laying on the back of a truck, between two metal objects, trying to fix something. The truck starts moving. My arm is pinned, and it goes numb. I worry that my arm will die and fall off. I finally get it free, and the numbness dissipates.
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      July 1, 2007

      Wash off the Lilliputians

      There is a tiny civilization of people living on someone's body. I can't remember if it was mine or not. Some other people are exploring it. Planes and cars are flying around. Every now and then, one of them crashes, and a shower of debris rains down.

      Anarchy. People are running around like mad with guns. Some people seem to have developed the curious ability to hover through the air. There's a refugee family sitting on a bench, with their luggage piled on their legs. The family's daughter has been beaten up.

      I see somebody I know, but they look different to me.
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      If there had been any lucid bits, they would have been in blue.

      July 2, 2007

      Tornado Shelter

      I'm in a muddy field, with a picket fence running across it to my right, about a hundred yards away. It's raining. Someone's lecturing me on survival. A tornado is coming. I hide in a little wooden tornado shelter. I watch the tornado arrive. I can hear the wind, and see where the funnel cloud meets the ground. I watch it pass over the fence. This part is very vivid. It passes by, and for a moment, I think it's gone, but then it loops back, closer than before, and starts zig-zagging towards me. The shelter twists, and the timbers creak and crack. I worry that I'm about to be blown away. Then, the tornado passes, and stays away. Another one comes later, and I hide in the wreckage of my shelter, despite the fact that there is another shelter in that same field.

      A girl I once knew is writing out her name in Chinese characters. When she gets to the second line, the characters start to "hook into" or blend with the characters above.
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    23. #23
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      The cast from the television show "Red Dwarf" are hanging about in a "spacecraft." The spacecraft is actually what appears to be an old swing set sitting next to a chicken coop. We decide to open one of the "cryo pods" shown on a computer display. A cat and a dog emerge (that's not what was listed on the screen). The cat is clever, mean, and conniving. When I try to pet it, it claws at my ankle.

      Three of us are sleeping in the same bed (?). The cat is sleeping under the blanket at our feet. One of the people in the bed says "You know how cats are: Stage one, they scratch your feet. Stage two, they jump up and flip all your covers off." That's just what the cat does. I'm worried about getting an infection from the cat, which is a stray.

      The scene then shifts to a combination of "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Red Dwarf." Someone finally gets rid of the cat, and it falls into "Killian's" cryo-pod. Killian is apparently the one who transcended in "2001."

      I use a computer control to increase Killian's "weight" (that's what was listed on the display, but I don't think that's actually what I was increasing). I need to slow him down, because he's dangerous. We give up and run away.

      We're going down a cave, but somehow, it feels like we're being swallowed. The cave looks like an esophagus, except for the frequent eyeballs hanging from the ceiling. I can hear evil laughter.

      My mother and I are hanging out. She wants to go to the space center, but I tell her it's gotten really rundown. She insists. The entry ladder looks like it belongs on a swing set, and all the rungs are broken except the top one. "Come on, we can still climb up," says my mother. People start trying, but I grab the top rung and wiggle it a little bit. It snaps off easily. I don't want to go on any of the "rides" at the space center. My mother does, however. She goes into some sort of "whirlpool pool." It's green and disgusting, as though it hasn't been cleaned in a long time. Someone turns on the pumps, and jets of water start shooting under the surface. They shoot out clean water, and the green stuff starts to clear up. A whirlpool forms in the pool.

      I'm seeing a visual representation of a wind-rating scale. The different levels of wind have strange names, which don't make sense. The pictures look like pictures of mushroom clouds. The highest-level wind's picture looks like a bunch of smoke being blown against a train. There's a special listing for "circular winds."

      Some relative that I haven't met yet is here. I haven't gotten the chance to speak to him, but I want to. I want to go to a place called "Rhinoceros Salvage." It's a junkyard. It would make me really happy to go there. (I'm fairly sure a place that looked like my mental image of "Rhinoceros Salvage" occurred in another dream.) I can't remember how to get there, so I ask my mother.

      I'm taking an exam from a class I had last semester. I'm really worried, because I had forgotten I had another exam in the middle of the summer, after the end of the semester (all of this is rubbish, and made no sense after I woke up). I say something like "Que sera sera" to myself, and do the exam. Later, I'm talking to a girl I once knew. I like her. I tell her that I just realized how badly I probably did on the exam. She laughs at this.

      Note: Tornadoes seem to have become a dreamsign for me. I've had at least four tornado dreams in as many weeks. Television characters also make frequent appearances.
      Last edited by Asymptote; 07-04-2007 at 03:16 AM.
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    24. #24
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Red Dwarf, there's a blast from the past... I wonder if I can find episodes of that online?

    25. #25
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Mar 2007
      North Carolina, United States
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      Red Dwarf, there's a blast from the past... I wonder if I can find episodes of that online?
      Just don't do what I did and buy the DVD box set...if you're anything like me, you'll find yourself going through the whole series in one sitting...not a good idea.
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